Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a blooming rose, a chance to say, I love you Mom. falls on the second Sunday in May

and is a celebration of Motherhood.
Sunnie Bee says this about Mother's Day.Mother's Day is a day set aside to express love, respect and thanks 
to Mother Bunny and Child BunnyMothers. 
The day is observed by Mom deserves something special. giving gifts,  visiting, or taking Mothers out for dinner and celebration. In recent years, a day has been designated to honor Grandmothers on Grandparent's Day, 
usually the second Sunday in September.

Julia Ward Howe first suggested the observance of a Mother's Day in 1872. The day was dedicated to peace. She held an annual meeting, for several years in the city of Boston, Massachusetts for this observance. 
Mothers have very special bonds with their children.  
In 1887, Mary Towles Sasseen, a Kentucky school teacher, began conducting Mother's Day celebrations and in 1904, Frank E. Hering of South Bend, Indiana began a campaign for the observance of Mother's Day.

However, it wasn't until Anna Jarvis, of West Virginia, began a nationwide campaign for its observance that the idea took root. On May 10, 1908 churches in Grafton, West Virginia and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania held Mother's Day celebrations.
Mother and Daughter
At the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1912 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a resolution was made that Anna Jarvis be recognized as the founder of Mother's Day and that it be observed on the second Sunday in May.

Woodrow Wilson signed a joint resolution of Congress recommending observance of Mother's Day by executive branches of the government on May 9, 1914. 
The following year, Baby holds on while trying to walk, soon she'll be running.Mother's Day 
was designated an annual national observance.

Every child is a great gift!
With Love On Mother's Day bar

Mommie's Day*
a Kids Mother's Day Poem
See below for puzzles based on this poem.*

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