Patriot's DayRevolutionary War Drummer

Patriot's Day Facts and Information

Patriot's Day

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Patriot's Day Minuteman is celebrated on the third Monday in April. It commemorates the Battle of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. Patriot's Day Beating Drum The Revolutionary War began there on April 19, 1775 and ended in Yorktown on October 19, 1781 when Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington. A formal treaty ending the war was not signed until 1783.

Sunnie BeeOn the evening of April 18, 1775 Revolutionary War SymbolsGeneral Thomas Gage, the British Commander in Chief of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was ordered to bring the colonies under control. He ordered Lt. Col. Francis Smith to destroy Colonist's war supplies held in Concord. Smith was also instructed to take Samuel Adams and John Hancock into British custody. Smith's orders were to be carried out in secret. However, Joseph Warren, a doctor, learned of the plans and sent William Dawes and Paul Revere to warn the Patriots.

Paul Revere Paul Revere rode 16 miles from Olde North Church in Boston to Lexington. The British arrived in Lexington in the early dawn of April 19, 1775. It was there that the Patriots or 'Minutemen' and British confronted each other on the green and 
"the shot heard round the world"
 was fired. 
It is not known who fired the first shot.

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